Medical Debt May No Longer Hurt Your Credit Score
This is big, really BIG! Effective July, 1, paid medical debts will be removed from credit reports so they won’t hurt your chances of...

What’s the Worst That Could Happen If You Ignore a Lawsuit Filed Against You By a Debt Collector?
Getting sued over a debt can trigger a flood of emotions: anger, frustration, confusion, and anxiety. For some, these feelings are...

Sued by a Creditor, Now What?
Few things can suck the oxygen out of your lungs the way that receiving notice that you’ve been sued by a creditor or debt collector can....

Know the Statutes of Limitations for Debt!
Florida has laws knowns as “statutes of limitations” that limit the amount of time a creditor or debt collector can sue you to collect on...

Coping with Debt During the Covid-19 Crisis.
You are not alone. Many people are experiencing anxiety over the potential strain on their personal finances due to the coronavirus...

Don't Deal with a Debt Collector Until You've Read This.
The phone rings, and someone tells you to pay an old medical bill – right now. You don't even know if it's yours! Although it may be fun...